Once you have welcomed your little bundle of joy, the list of worries and obligations is endless. Being a parent might mean reopening a whole new chapter in your life, both fun one and the challenging one. Nevertheless, learning to cope with all new situations will take patience time, but traveling is one very serious category that cannot be taken for granted. Whether you opt to fly or travel by car, there are many essentials that you need to take extra care of. Even if you pay attention to the road, there might occur many other unpredictable outcomes, so the best advice is to think two steps ahead and follow this guideline.
Prepare in advance
It will be extremely helpful if you were to have some form of a checklist that you can follow. The baby itself demands a lot of attention, but imagine if you have to blow your mind if you got stuck in the middle of the road because you have forgotten extra diapers. Having a clear checklist of what you have to bring with you on your travels will, first of all, save you loads of time when packing, and help you organize yourself (and your spouse) along the way. It can be written down on the piece of paper (the old-fashionable style) or set a reminder on your mobile phone with a loud alarm, and you won’t surely forget the things you need to do and pack.
Bottles vs. Breastfeeding
If you are feeding your baby with formula,
when travelling the most vital thing is to bring enough formula for the road,
and even to have some extra left, for “just in case” situation. Once
on the road, it will be tedious to have
to stop and wash the bottles, so pack at least two sets of bottles. If you are
travelling via plane, this won’t be necessary since you can go to the toilet to
rinse the bottles. On the other hand, breastfeeding is the best thing that you
can give to your baby. Not only is it more nutritional and healthier option,
but it is also a much easier way to find your baby on the move. Basically, the
milk is always the right temperature, and you won’t have to fear that you will
run out of it. Whatever you do, don’t be shy to breastfeed in the plain or in
the train. Your baby is your top priority.
Safety above all
As a parent, looking after your new family member is your new lifelong responsibility. And for no cause will you allow some danger to occur unpredictably, how you wonder? You will plan every step of your journey to ensure maximum safety. When travelling by car, one of the most crucial things to have is reliable and quality baby car seats. They keep the baby safe and secured, and when you fasten it tightly, it will hold firmly and you could be at ease. When you travel by plain, diligently follow the flight attendants instruction when ascending and descending. Buckle your baby accordingly and there won’t be any problems. Once the plain has lifted, you can continue your play.
Pack light and smart
No matter your final destination, you always need to have a few essentials that your baby regularly uses just like at home. But don’t overdo it. Once you get to your destination you can buy almost all incidentals. Another benefit of packing lightly is not having to carry loads of luggage, your baby, stroller and your suitcases are already a lot. Therefore, pack up to 10 diapers, a bottle of water, a few burping cloths, on r two extra sets of clothes, an extra pacifier, and maybe a toy or two to entertain or soothe the crying baby. Let’s not forget about the wipes. Wipes are a miracle tool when you have a baby, and they are quite nifty for the travels. They mop up spit-out, sticky hands and faces, and serve as a toilet paper.
Bring a stroller
Carrying your baby all the time can have more drawbacks than advantages. You won’t have time to sit and rest, or just relax and immerse in your travels. A stroller is a gadget that has numerous purposes, and it is the most helpful thing you could have with you on your travels. It serves as a bed, feeding chair, changing pad, and all-around stuff-holder. Make sure that you have a good stroller which enables you to push your baby with ease. The ones that have rubber wheels and shock absorbers are the most convenient. Don’t forget to include some form of shade for the stroller if you are heading out to sunny cities.
Amusement and games
Be aware that any form of travel is going to be something totally new for your toddler, especially if you are traveling for the first time. Babies can easily get used to new surroundings, but they also like the comfort of their home. For that reason, be prepared to play some games, sing songs, and do the things you would do as if you are at home. Bring some of the familiar baby toys, or if you have a toddler, bring a tablet so that it could get distracted from the road from time to time. If the baby or toddler gets cranky, play road games such as “Simon Say’s” and try to have as much fun possible in order for the time to pass much quicker.
It’s not always going to be peachy, but if you implement positive habit for the first time, for every next travel you will get more experienced and ready.