4 Reasons To Choose Vintage Jewellery
If you are considering purchasing a new piece of jewellery, then we are here to introduce you to vintage jewellery! Often vintage jewellery is overlooked in favour of modern alternatives, however there are so many wonderful benefits of choosing vintage jewellery that everyone should know about. From the unparalleled craftsmanship to the value and the depth of history they hold, it is certainly worth going to a vintage jeweller and appreciating the benefits for yourself before choosing a modern jeweller by default.
Unparalleled Craftsmanship
The first thing to note about vintage jewellery is that it features unparalleled craftsmanship. Vintage jewellery is any piece that is over 50 years old, so the vast majority of vintage jewellery was created before the time of mass production. As a result, to create the jewellery, specialist jewellery craftsmen spent hours and hours carefully creating each and every piece. Even the gemstones were carefully handcrafted, a risky process but one that produces breathtaking cuts.
Not only did this mean that the quality was so much better, but each and every piece was unique to the individual. The passion and creativity of the jewellers shines through with the stunning pieces of jewellery. The time that went into creating these stunning pieces just isn’t seen today for the most part, which is one significant benefit of choosing vintage jewellery.
Better Value
Another significant benefit of choosing vintage jewellery is that it is better value. As vintage jewellery has been purchased before and had VAT paid on it, for any purchase after that, the piece is VAT exempt. This means that you can buy a piece of vintage jewellery with the same size and quality gemstone, as well as the same quality metal, for 20% cheaper. You can get so much more for your money with vintage jewellery, so this is definitely worth considering before buying a piece of new, modern jewellery.
Moreover, vintage jewelry is always in demand online, with jewelry sales rising even during the pandemic, and to monetize the market all you need is some professional jewelry retouching.
You can get so much more for your money with vintage jewelry, so this is worth considering before buying a piece of new, modern jewelry.
More Environmentally Friendly
Not only is vintage jewellery beautiful and fantastic value, but it is also much more environmentally friendly. The process required to mine metals and gemstones is extremely damaging, releasing toxic chemicals into ecosystems, communities and water sources. This can be seriously dangerous for people and wildlife.
Although the gemstones and metals used in vintage jewellery will have been mined at one point, the processes used at the time will have been far less damaging to the environment. Also, as the process has already been completed, it would be such a shame for the beautiful piece of jewellery not to be appreciated. Plus, it completely avoids the need for another gemstone to be found, as the demand for new jewellery will reduce as people’s appreciation for vintage jewellery increases.
They Hold A Depth of History
Another significant benefit of vintage jewellery is that they hold a depth of history. Every single piece of vintage jewellery would have been around for at least 50 years, and much much longer in many cases. This means that when you buy vintage jewellery, you know it has a depth of history that comes with it that you can add to. Some jewellers will have documentation of where and when the piece has been bought (you should expect this with particularly expensive pieces) so you can actually track its story!
For example, if you buy an art deco engagement ring, you know that the ring will have over 100 years of memories within it, that you simply cannot get with modern equivalents. With engagement rings especially, this can be a beautiful and meaningful choice as you want your love story to carry the ring forward.
Final Thoughts
Overall, vintage jewellery is a wonderful choice that should definitely be considered prior to buying a brand new piece of jewellery. The care and love that went into creating vintage jewellery is largely unparalleled in a time of mass production. You get so much more for your money with vintage jewellery, thanks to the VAT exemption. Vintage jewellery is undeniably the more eco-friendly choice, helping to reduce the demand for new pieces. The history behind vintage jewellery also makes it a much more sentimental and thoughtful choice.